44º Congress


[scientific rules & regulations]

The Portuguese Swimming Coaches Association (APTN) invites all participants to present their works at the 44th APTN Technical-Scientific Congress & 1st European Swimming Coaches Conference to be held at Lisbon (October 1st-3rd 2021). Proposals must be original, unpublished and not being in evaluation in other places. Works should be submitted until 23rd July and framed within the following topics: 

  1. training and performance;
  2. teaching;
  3. fitness and therapy; and
  4. management.

Abstracts should be prepared using Microsoft Word no older than 97/03, written in A4 format (one page) with 2.5 cm margins, Arial font size 11 and 1.5 line spacing. Abstracts should be inserted HERE at “XLIV Congresso Técnico e Científico da APTN” section/type of manuscript (after login). Each author can present a maximum of two works (at least one as first author), without restrictions in the number of submissions in co-authorship. A peer review process will be done and authors will be informed about the results (accepted, revisions required or rejection) until 31th July of 2021. Publishing brings no costs for the author. All accepted abstracts will be indexed at Scopus and published in a special issue in the Motricidade Journal.

All accepted studies should be presented in oral format preferentially using power point format (a ppt template will be sent upon acceptance). Afterwards, authors will be asked to record their presentation in a video file format (up to 10 min) dissecting the most important work topics. This file should be sent to geral@aptn.pt until 10th September of 2021 and will pass through a scientific evaluation and scored on their originality, scientific soundness, data presentation accuracy and time management before being released in the Congress website for visualization. A note of scientific merit will be attributed to the three best oral communications within each topic of submission.



dates to bear in mind

  • July 23RD, 2021 – deadline for abstract submissions of free oral communications;
  • July 31st, 2021 – authors will be informed about the status (accepted, revisions required, rejected); 
  • August 14th, 2021 – notification to the corresponding author of the abstract for the free oral communication; 
  • September 10th, 2021 – Videoconference submission (accepted) for free oral communications para comunicação oral livre according to the specific regulations;
  • September 17th, 2021 – deadline for low-cost investment in face-to-face and online participation.

(Any changes to these dates will be announced in due course.)